.:Wednesday, August 31, 2005:.
WTH la..stupid DVTCL decided to rap in class 4 d recent chem lessons...dis n dat...neGA..neGA...electroneGa..tivity.....dipole-dipole...form d dipole dipole attraction~
cant understand d heck he's talking about...spent all my energy trying to stay awake..
"YOZ~"(dunmanian fav greeting) DingYi rocks la..dance dao ji malu. but still envy u leh..dance is fUN..if i had d chance i'll join u nxt tym k?
Teacher's Day celebration has been...so so..not too good...not too bad.
d HwaChong Idol has been a let down though...=( expected real talent to be dere. Instead, all we got was star-wannabes singing out their fav songs wif 'out of tune..same pitch..voice without a turning point"-quote weichi.
spare meeee.....all i asked frm u all is a combine $10 of charity for boys town n now im a potential target everytym u do some charity work? plz plz plz...i've decided to sign up for whateva charity programme that comes up next! besides doing my part for SOCIETY...fulfilling my inner need for spiritual fulfillment...n oso be the one asking for instead of paying the money...i'll oso get my CIP HOURS! ...smart business..im v proud of you lin chen...=>
btw...the doll i gave to my primary school t'cher as Teacher's Day present...she said i was very thoughtful to give such a present. hehe...=)
went baq to my old primary school.for all my loyalty i ended up as d oni GUY dere! are guys really so HEARTLESS! how can you abandon me wif all dose attitude gals?! Why is it dat(usually) oni gals bother to go back to their primary schools? i NOE...dey hv time n nothing to do. 0_o. went out wif them afterwards...total torture.lesson learnt..saw tze siong when i was gg home. i barely managed a SMILE. Nv again...
in d evening played some badminton wif primary sch boy mates.. i totally thrashed them... again..
Wishing all teachers a Happy Teachers' Day! If you're lucky, i might send you a e-card. =)

.:firestarter blogged on 10:15 PM:.

.:Thursday, August 25, 2005:.
keep your eyes on the ball...(ball..notice not ballS...no weird tots.)
so lets focus on d real stuff n move one huh.
i've been gettin my first taste of leading a team recently..a very disorganized..slack...attitude team at that. d Sprints TEAM! ima v proud member of it btw..hehe..a very bad section of TrackNfield i guess..its always a very fun team but...no fun bein its captain.
Wednsday has been d hardest training session so far...o man...i was freakin tired dat day lar. i was so lackin in slp n rest, i can barely concentrate in dat freakin hot weather.
Still had to make my way to training of cuz...without mr.Tok. one more training led by me. yet im greeted wif attitude people juz lyk me. sec3s especially..understandable i guess...if u tink of dat. at sec3, dey juz had their all-impt sec2 year of competitions. They juz jumped a division, n they'r now baq to average in d B division. why would they be interested to train? to tink they still hv one more sec4 year in front of them.
The sec1s have been v encouraging on d other hand. Tony...joon Fai..joel..john...a good bunch i suppose...=)..gd attitude.
compere search had been interesting so far...too bad 4 all d homework i nv did....tell more after it all finishes k?
thanks P 4 ur gifts...
goodbye YuShan...u'll be immensely missed in time to come...=)

.:firestarter blogged on 11:09 PM:.

.:Sunday, August 21, 2005:.
kay, so i noe some of you dn feel lyk ima good enuf leader. u didn wan me to be d leader..o whoever would have been so much better than me if he had been captain.
stop THINKING abt puttin me off? not gona happen.
i am d captain.
so i am not dynamic enuf for a leader?
not every leader is the same timo. u cant expect each to have the same qualities. for a start, there are different kinds of leadership. Servant leadership? i dn care abt the terminologies but dere's definetely more than one type of leadership. Compare Eric Cantona and Roy Keane. They are different, can u say they are not good captains? n wat do u define by dynamic? pinpoint me one guy dat is commited and dynamic first.
I noe who i am. n i am not going to change n try to imitate all the, to me, silly antics dat some of them do. I wn say stupid things n i wn do stupid stuffs to make a fool of myself juz to b 'dynamic'...
...seriously.some of you are pushing the limits. jueying especially. you have changed. all smiles in sec1..abit disillusioned i tink, in sec2. now you are speaking out, which is fine, but also you are disrespecting people aroud u, particularly ur seniors. If you want to stand out, fine. You want to be captain nxt tym? prove yourself on the track first.you aint even the among the fastest n u dare to hv dat attitude? dn go around lashing out at seniors for no good reason. we are still your seniors, even if u dn care, at least keep your mouth shut and oni open it for the right reasons.
.while you keep on callin seniors a bad influence, anti-social, do u realize your constant criticism is causing a negative atmosphere?
Note sec2s i want us to stay as a team. it is no help you criticizing everyone else for whateva stuff dat is not related to track n training. if dere's a problem, tell me. Talk it over first. especially to the sec1s, i dn wan you people to continue to criticize. Accept them, n do your part to help them.
4 example, the soccer game on friday. Yes, they were not helpful, not participating. I was angry with them too. but they improved didn they? as the game went on, they were more involved and jueying u nearly ruined it wif your big mouth. "WAT U DOING PASSING TO SEC1s?! NV PASS TO THEM!" they were your TEAMMATEs for god sake..dn tok to your teammate lyk DAT.
.again yuwei is mi fren.
Do not compare me with other captains. We are a team, u can help me juz lyk i can help u, but dn put me down. It is not easy to be a leader, n you are not making it any easier by thinking i am not good enuf.

.:firestarter blogged on 12:06 AM:.

.:Saturday, August 20, 2005:.
hehehe....went to HCJC ard 8am..CIP.
they had dis sports quiz event...saw squashers, canoeists, wushu experts..
in d end, oni one record setter...ME!
first i would lyk to thank my mum..my dad..my..self....im so damn tyco to get dis...im such a lucky star...bend it lyk CHEN!
anyway...we played in dis record setting event organized by Team Singapore. So we basically shoot ten freekicks over a wall, and see who is the most accurate and fastest.
.7 goals out of ten shots. n i set d record juz lyk dat. *shrugs.. can anyone provide me wif a challenge?? heehee...i got a trophy...i got to go up stage in d process...and then got shot..by photographers..
all dat done during CIP hours.
anyway, i was super tired after dat...rushed home to sleep..zzzZ
anyway, for mugging peeps...i calculated my MSG already...for dis term, my most probable result is a 2.57. haiz..wif most probably NO exemptions.
man i suck..
nah..juz joking...i dn suck.i roooCK. =>

.:firestarter blogged on 11:26 PM:.

.:Friday, August 12, 2005:.
"everyday i luv u less and less..."
...grrr....SHEN! dN u noe wat is written 4 fun n wat is NT? grrr...
wadeva la.
started d first track training session. took a photograph wif fellow captains..ChampionCHAN. haha..
my life seems to be falling back into place again. the track...the german lessons dominate my life..-.-...bored.dn noe...tink i nd to get my priorities rite.
mr.tok talked to me today..abt being captain n reminded me how i wanted dis position n now i should treasure it. ironically, i have forgotten dat now...didn even feel dat great now i AM d captain. MUZ FOCUS! n LEAD sprints! ...but ji lei...
.im so glad dis term comin to an end....its lyk a nightmare...i heck care abt the results now cuz i noe i didn do my best for them..
nxt tue is german test already...hope i get a reasonable score..

.:firestarter blogged on 10:56 PM:.

.:Thursday, August 11, 2005:.
thank u mum, 4 giving birth to me on dis day..
i dn care much abt mi bday d past years....nt really worth carin...but lotsa thanks dis yr to all dose dat cared.
thanks to YINGZHI! nice card la u...didn noe u rmb.
Shueling...12am n u sent me a card..haha...definetely d first one to wish me happy bday..
yiachin...sophy...oso. weiqi too, thanks
thanks bernard, WEICHI, dingyi(?), ha...
n roula.mel.fiona.dian.thanks...cant mention too much here ya...later ppl c...HOr, Shen..-.-)
thanks peggy. owe me ar..
stanley oso! how come u noe mi bday still, ha...thanks. yuanchang thank u. yushan too.
i may hv forgot some...sorri ha...later add on k.
flunked my physics test...ruined mel's barbies...overall still ok la...
n countin them now, dats SO MANY ppl dat cared abt me..so its lyk WHOA...so LUVED...ha...THANK U ALL LOtS!
thanks mum 4 still caring...ur one of d best mums ard i tell u..nIcEST!
luv my bro n mei oso...

.:firestarter blogged on 11:44 PM:.

.:Wednesday, August 10, 2005:.
proper posting today..lolz.
zzzZ 4 d whole day...revised ihe 4 a while..basically cuz physics was impossible to comprehend...

3 steps to get a gal-
1.b crappy. gals lyk dat.
2.b rich. den u can get her REAL NICE gifts.
3.b persistant. time pays off..

c...i teach u somtin nice everyday...

1 step to get a guy-
1.plastic surgery

hee. jkin jkin..

.:firestarter blogged on 12:10 AM:.

.:Tuesday, August 09, 2005:.
The carnival pretty much meant a 3hr soccer tournament for me..
the TAF Club beats alllll.....no one defeated us..we were 2nd! runner up! we won so many matches we decided to forfeit our final match. grins.
sweaty....smelly....then still went McDon wif u all....caught by a few ppl though..haha. eeeks. all violent and greedy peeps...snatch dis..snatch dat..wack u wo...
big thank u to Fi...if u didn live so inside, your house would have made a perfect pit-stop for tired passers-by like me. =)
The track BBQ was nice too of cuz...except i was way too tired. still tired.
sleeping around everywhere...even on the elevator.

.:firestarter blogged on 12:32 AM:.

Withdrawal symptoms…how long has it been since I have sprinted on the track…it’s so long…already I am so lonesome I could die..hold me like you’d never let me go…im leaving a jetplane, don’t know when I ‘ll be back again…oh babe I hate to go…so many times I’ve played around…I tell you now they don’t mean a thing…when I come back I will bring your wedding ring…so kiss me and smile for me…tell me you will wait for me…oopz…getting sidetracked…the song is nice… its is called leaving on a jetplane.
ANYWAY…I MISS TRACK! When I am at d library..i pick up Track magazines…when I go online..i search for “sprints technique” on Google…Oh man…I am missing the feel…the thrill…I want to SPRINT! It is like a pain in the ass…everytime I sit down before this computer…im thinking why am I not running!

Target for track next year-
100m~below 11.4s. 100mH~below 14.5. 400m~ below 52.5s 400mH~below 59s.
anger management Shout

Nerdy me- Cuz I need to do aCE! Dats why!
Im lacking ACE in so many subjects la. However, I broke the record for most ace in a single term I think. 15+ ENGLISH ACE POINTS! Why cant ACE for the other subjects be this easy…
Long holiday..weekends for ACE…tue n wed for revision. Thursday is tests..Thursday is also my BIRTHDAY DAMN IT!… Friday for track! Yeepy.

Everyone turning mugger this term..all aiming for A1s..omg…stress stress…im so screwed this term la..nationals made me lose a hell lot of lessons…although worthwhile, missing the lessons means im so LAGGG! Rite hongshen? Lag lag me..I want to aim for 1.00 too but ha…man…its lyk saying im aiming under 50 s for 400m o under 11.2s for 100m. not farny..i hope I can top the class again..ha..but juz not dat possible.

.:firestarter blogged on 12:29 AM:.

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