.:Monday, October 31, 2005:.
today i learned alot of things. First, football is violent. Touch football or not, it is violent! rawr! In one afternoon of football play, i got cuts on my hand, forearm, back, and even..ARMPIT! all the bitches(=P) in my school. I am in a all boys school btw. arg! then the manly hunks all damn strong. I actually got myself thrown out of the grass pitch while trying to stop the ball-bearer. cuts..bruises...n a stupid headache from the collision with the ground. haiz..next year A1s no hope le. I think much of my brain cells have been destroyed already. =( please contact me if you are a brain doctor...chicken essence supplier..ginseng grower..or hot looking babe. 0.0 erhum..KIDDING! KiiiiiDDING! gosh..have a sense of humour ppl. =P

.:firestarter blogged on 8:21 PM:.

.:Sunday, October 30, 2005:.
swim...swim....swim... I have been watching swimming videos all day k! n it's damn exciting! I think if i had time, i'll probably join swimming? but sadly i do not have...haiz.. a am yet another national swimmer lost by singapore.. *wink
anyway, swimming IS very cool k. Tomorrow is the FOS, then I will be swimming in the aQUA competition! Watch me go~ zoop. swimming with my moldy swimming trunks!

.:firestarter blogged on 5:07 PM:.

.:Thursday, October 27, 2005:.
waaaaha........sniff......EEK! its RAINING! STUUUPID cumulus nimbus keep on hovering over my head....waaaaaha...='(
I am scared. waaahahahaha........

~Pussycat Dolls
Nobody gonna love me better, I must stick with u forever
'Nobody gonna take me higher, I must stick with u
You know how to appreciate me, I must stick wit u.
'my baby Nobody ever made me feel this way..
I . must . stick . with . u

.:firestarter blogged on 10:16 PM:.

.:Wednesday, October 26, 2005:.
3 trainings in 3 days! ..i didn tink i'd get through it..but I DID~! woohoo...most of the work done is just ball games. It was supposed to get us back to fitness. Now i am aching all over.
Everyone's sick. Most of them are just lazy. They really should have came to training, like training now is so fun with all the games? What are they waiting for? Waiting for the serious training to start then they come back? Gosh...I expect a few piggies coming back to training soon. Fat ones...not cute.
Well, exams over. Checking of paper, DONE. Now we just wait for our marks I guess. hehe...exams have been very satisfying. The exams I expected myself to do well, I did well! Although Eng Compre failed me abit, but that is just minor. Expected MSG- 1.24
PEifu XYan leh...ji meng. I mean like you have to give it up for the ultimate mugger for succeeding in his quest for 1.00! His commitment to mugging is impressive to say the least. I pale in comparison..sniffs. Well..i'll be content with being a half-mugger. Next year! FULL MUGGER.+tracker.
Ya, Mugger+Tracker. We have only started training with this new coach, Mr.Han. He was from ACS(I) de. No idea why he came to chinese high. However, I am just happy that he is here. I like what he is telling us, his philosophy towards training is understandable to me. He want medals, so do I! He want commitment, I am happy to do that! I want meaningful and efficient training schedule, he promised to give me that! I want him to trust in me, he say I can beat Joel Wei! Weeeeee...... He's cool.
Abit of sacrifice here and there then. I do not think my life next year will be anything more than studies and track. =/ hehe...yah. haiz.

.:firestarter blogged on 8:36 PM:.

.:Saturday, October 22, 2005:.
Can i just telll you the BSP talk this afternoon was just BEAUTIFUL? the girls were not quite...v cold..bad...(wonders why)..but.ya..0.0...but the talk...the speaker who looked 80 and balding was just AMAZING! His knowledge abt chinese text and poetry was absolutely fascinating and inexhaustible! He is the kind of person that really REALLY amazes me. 2 REALLYs!! YAH... rating is 2 REALLYs!
I knew it was going to be a incredible experience as soon as he started presenting! with a projector and wrote his 'ppt' as he went along! I was asleep within 5 minutes..zzZ..isn it juz amazing? My previous record was for chemistry lesson..dat i dozed off within 20minutes? like this totally beat my previous record by 15 minutes! Btw, im not even the first to doze off...pss...some ny gals r really rude..yah..slept like pigs...(they dn read mi blog so whoohoo..)
--the rest r really boring and juz records for ACE report--stop here---
Anyway, it was truly an amazing experience. I mean SERIOUSLY! after i woke up, the speaker captured my attention within minutes! Listening to him explaining chinese literiture to us made these literiture come to life! What was incomprehensible chinese characters printed in ugly font on a cheap A4 size paper, now turned into stories filled with emotions and meaning! These words painted pictures and aroused novel feelings i have NEVER felt before? like that is soooo coooool..dude. Verses of poetry from li bai, du pu, lines from famous novels such as hong lou meng, shui hou zhuan...gosh..although i have read some of them before, his explanation added a whole new different dimension to these words. It was AMAZING okay? like one phrase of chinese or juz a word can convey so many incredible things? OMG...i loved it to death. It made me feel so...refined...cultured...just like those sages of those times...(which i totally am not 4 some reason)..The poetry let us into their lives and time like a time machine! SO much flavour in SO little words? INCREDIBLE!

.:firestarter blogged on 7:27 PM:.

.:Thursday, October 20, 2005:.
ran two rounds...while standing around doing stretching....ARG..CRAMPS!
I cant believe how long it has been since my last training! *counts...1..2..3..* I rushed to school today to improve my fitness ahead of real training next week. It was not EASY! I marvel at my self-discipline..haha..to all aspiring sprinters! Keep fit okay! next week must take training seriously and get your fitness back!
Y'day i saw Scott in school, in his sexy tights and shirt..hahehe... and well..i asked him you started training already!? then he replied, like training NEVER stopped lar. 0.0 lolz...nt even during exams did he stop training.. wat de... jiayou jiayou...
pss...a secret..i saw he was carrying in his bag a crate of sandwiches... aHA...secret to Scott's athletic success.. put sandwiches in a crate before eating them. *winks
anyway...the whole sch is eerie n creepy...cuz no one...no one was in school! I spent the afternoon wif my muscles in the weights room. wow...they were really something..hehe..
training oni got tough when i started to run?! I was panting like a puppy after a mere two rounds of d track! arg....n then cramps...got cramps just from stretching... doing the buttock stretch and suddenly felt the spasm in my thighs. OUCH! As i jogged, I even lost out to a crazy joggin boy who was on the track...wat de...n a fat jc gal too...aye...
Tmr got environmental conference...Happy Birthday People...haha...people u noe who u are..so no nd to name..=)

.:firestarter blogged on 10:23 PM:.

.:Wednesday, October 19, 2005:.
YAY!!!! I got a keyboard! a DIRTY..OLD...IBM....SMELLY...KEYBOARD! from a OLD GRANNY! n i LOVE IT!
wahahaha...u cant imagine how bad it is without a workable keyboard...u cant go on msn... cant blog... WAlao...
actually my uncle YE gave me dis keyboard...n i luv him to BITS..wink..

.:firestarter blogged on 6:01 PM:.

.:Friday, October 14, 2005:.
*sniff sniff..
im hvin a headache...im feelin mi itchy nose....o the feeling...mi nasal passage..straight through to the very inch of muscle in mi nose... spasm... cramps... ACHOoooooo!
sniffs....but it started like on tuesday wif a sore throat? n it juz got worse n worse.. this morning during math exam was TERRIBLE! soo soo sick...
but i got d job DONE! at least i finished the whole paper with my head still clear...all the mucus...was filling up mi head...yah..gross
n guess wat! Math was SIMPLE! lolz...imagine me sayin dis when my math ranking is like 20th in d class... but today was great! i didn detect a single difficult question! o it may juz bcuz of mi cold...den couldn tink straight... but anyway.... i felt good after d paper... before i went to d toilet n cleared mi nose dat is...
yah..HerrWittmeyer retiring leee.....farewell party for a man in his 30s? whr gt ppl retire in his 30s!!!! aye..den i am not free to go to his party tooo...cuz i would hv been in BEiJING by then...sniffs...d party would hv been fun i bet...wahahaha....Es TUT MIR LEID, HERR!!

.:firestarter blogged on 10:04 PM:.

.:Tuesday, October 11, 2005:.
today..sittin at home..logged onto msn..n saw lil ny gals popping up..
haha..ny..dunman...hwachong is lyk d one whose exams finishes the latest? I am not sure if it is good or bad...cuz i dn feel lyk revisin anyMORE.... math especially, is lyk sooo confusing?! a headache starter!
Baby,I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey. Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels, yeah.

.:firestarter blogged on 3:18 PM:.

.:Friday, October 07, 2005:.

OD was a breeze...haha..now praying I scored well with the judges..*pray pray

Aye...of all times stupid internet modem broke down now.. could it be a blessing in disguise!? Is it a sign telling me I must focus on my exams and nothing else? MUST BE! MUST BE! MUG! MUGGER! MUG MUST!

We got a new track coach in HCI le. haha...it just excites me even more for the track season ahead.. I just realized, I basically had one different coach every year. Sec1 I was under Terng for hurdles, Sec2 we had Zhang, now Zhang is gone, we have Mr.Tok in Sec3..n now the new coach in Sec4, Mr.HAN!

lalala..expecting alot of Mr.Han..Im looking forward to training as always! I have a feeling a certain sprinter is already working hard at weights....*glares suspiciously at ***** ***** hehehe...=P Next track season is definitely going to be more fun with you around me.


.:firestarter blogged on 11:03 AM:.

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