.:Saturday, December 31, 2005:.
Oh the horror! *weeps* noooo...mama...please don't let her....wahhaaa....*weeps some more*
,O.O wahahaha.....fellow friends from 3K, go look at the EMB! waha...especially those that nv do take a look..just open the newest one about class allocation. *sobs* prepare tissue and ice packs...look at our new form teacher! wahaha....
why won't she stay where she was! whahaha...now even they can't stand her... she is coming back! omg....my buddies from 1K, u'll rmb who im talking about..Aaaaaaaa! its her! HER! again! -.- kenneth will be happy at least..
f*** i nearly thrown the chair outa window when i read it... geez.. what now...what now...='(
today couldn have been screwed up more...n it has barely started.. whatever happens in the rest of the day will be tinged with a tat of sadness... countdown to 4K..to HER 4K.. O.O
...think...think...what now..what now...=<

.:firestarter blogged on 1:01 PM:.

.:Sunday, December 25, 2005:.
It is Christmas! Peace to the world and goodwill to all men! (sound a bit sexist doesn he? =p hehe..)
Merry Christmas to aLL! hope you all had a great christmas eve and subsequently a great christmas day! What did I do on christmas eve? ....sleep? yah...ji sian.. but very satisfying! After a week of camping in the school, you cant imagine how i appreciated my mattress and pillow. awww...the softness..the tenderness..the warmth..
basically that was it lo..I woke up around 12pm..watched some tv..soccer.. then for the afternoon I read abit of books.. just to help me sleep that is. Indeed i fell asleep reading..zzz..all the way till dinner time! What a meal! the day was rounded off by watching tv till late.. =)
One small bit of unsatisfaction for me on Christmas Eve would be that I didn go to church. =s watching the channel 5 christmas show, I was thinking about all the wonderful festivities going on at my church. I was told they had a Christmas carnival at Expo hall6 and english services in Hall8! wow.. so the first thing i did this morning was to call up my church friend so she could take me to the special christmas service, called 'Christmasland'!
I have been to a few of the special church services before.. They were always exciting, grand, and always very interesting! The entire Hall 8 of Expo was transformed into a big stadium of sorts. There was a big flashy stage, numerous LCD screens and chairs! set all around the stage covering the whole of the Hall, were plain normal chairs! Imagine the work they have put in to set the whole place up, positioning each chair. o.o
The main programme of the service was the drama, called 'Christmasland'. A group of folks were taken on a tour through Christmasland, a themepark whr it is christmas everyday. During their stay, the families discovered the true spirit of christmas and the christmas story. Did I mention the special services are always very fun and interesting? I did? haha..rather than just acting out the story of the birth of jesus, for certain parts, they used remade songs! very up-to-date and funny songs at that! just to give u an idea, the evil plan of King Herod was sang to the tune of Numa Numa! =>
A very fun service indeed..once again it didn disappoint! City Harvest is theee BEST church okay?! whoa...u'd be amazed if u went too..
some serious thoughts to end this post.
Whenever you need a miracle, god will be there. If you are hungry, only eat... If you are thirsty, only drink... If you need a miracle, ONLY BELIEVE!
Put your focus on the lord, on the saviour. When you leave this world, you will leave empty-handed. When you are dying, all the wealth will not matter, all the power will not matter. However, if when you lie on your bed for the last time, and you have believed in god, you will die happy. You will die happy because you know that you are no longer a sinner, god has given you a heart so pure. You will go away in peace and happiness. =)

.:firestarter blogged on 4:47 PM:.

.:Wednesday, December 21, 2005:.
The teachers can never teach us anything we do not want to learn. This year, I had always wanted to be a councillor. Maybe not as the all-important president, maybe not even as a OS of a school-based event, but just maybe i can be a small yet active councilor among the many elites.
I did not want to join because I am suited to be a councillor, but exactly because of the opposite. Precisely because growing up I have never been outspoken and even been somewhat self-pitiful, that I have the desire to be a councillor. I have learned alot and changed very much this year. To eventually be a councillor, seemed the ultimate gratification to me.
Thus with that I took the first and possibly the last opportunity I came across in high school, and applied to join the high school council. Even till now I have little knowledge of the HCI council, never mind the High School Council. It was an act on impulse. It was just a careless thought that gave me an impulse until I formed a belief that I should join the council, simply because I needed to be councillor to improve myself and just be better. The end result was that I and all other applicants were called to this High School Council Selection Camp.
So we come to today, after 3 days of council camp I have come to a realization. I do not want to be a councillor anymore. No doubt, the council will still benefit me if i joined. Thorugh this camp, I already learned alot. The things I learned cannot be covered in textbooks, not in council handbooks, nor be experienced on your own as a normal student. It was council stuff..true stuff that only being a councillor will you experience.
I have become even more mature about my goals and my purpose as a student. I feel completely at home in HCI now..and I have a clear path I know I should take, if I wanted to improve myself. During the camp, they told me it is not about the teacher teaching, but rather if you yourself was learning. What I needed, I do not have to be a councillor to receive.
One of the main reasons I wanted to go into council was the fact that I can improve myself, my records and perhaps finally get myself a scholarship. Yet I had failed to think for a moment why the council would want a person like me. Yes the council wants to provide leadership opportunities for students. However, at Sec4 and with the High School council, they are really looking for elite councillors to help the council. They definitely have no interest in a student tied down by studies, track, third lang, and one who refuses to put council as his first priority.
How true when my dad's intereview book kept onr stressing an interview is a two-way process of exchanging infomation. This camp is like an interview. They have learned about me and given me feedback. I also have learned about the council and has now decided this job is not for me.
No matter how much I have opened up since sec1, I still have a long way to go. The main explanation for not joining the council would have been that now I do not feel ready. If I needed leadership experience. I have an obligation to do well for track, for sprints. Rather than tying myself down to another commitment, the free time I can squeeze out of next year will enable me to go on my own learning projects and do as I wish.

.:firestarter blogged on 2:47 PM:.

.:Saturday, December 10, 2005:.
arg...I am sitting in front of the computer already paralysed by the many aches brought on by a week of Han's training.. -.- since i can't move around much.. I thought I might as well blog about it..
hmm..if I had blogged about training yesterday, this post would have been censored.. but thankfully after a night's rest..i am feeling much more civilized.. =)
hmm..what a week.. It is the first week of training using spikes. I was looking forward to wearing spikes again but this week is pure torture! The training does not let off at all no matter which day of the week..weights..endurance..it just goes on and on. I can swear he said "Today's training is going to be tougher than usual." at least on 3 out of 5 days! arg..he might as well just speak the truth and admit his training is tough always.
Looking to next week, training should probably let off.. at least not so much endurance work. Although it is tough, Han usually have a understandable reason behind these trainings. This week is the first week we are using spikes, so we must practice..practice..and practice again.. In other words, quantity over quality. yah...and I know that your fitness will go up once you complete these endurance sessions.. but my main grievance is that there wasn't a freaking rest day throughout this week!
I got really fed up yesterday afternoon.. Only hurdlers trained in the afternoon. and after that sickening 9 300ms we did in the morning, he dared to ask me to do sprinting hurdle drills 11 times! wth..my groin ligament was so tight I could not even complete a normal hurdling action.. I did scrape through the whole training in the end...
haiz.. finally a weekend of rest... I do not think I can go anywhere.. just sit around and wait for monday's training to start I guess.. I'll probably be fitter by then, maybe my achings will be gone! yay! serious training can start then..
oh ya..he suspect I am not mentally tough enough.. he worded it like I have some mental problems.. not sure if he's the one with mental problems or me.. =x nvm..maybe I am not that tough mentally.. *shrugs* is it wrong if I think my body cannot take running more than ten 300ms, two 200ms, two 150ms, three 500ms, plus 200+ hurdling legswings in the course of one week?
rawr! I hate endurance training...

.:firestarter blogged on 2:38 PM:.

.:Thursday, December 08, 2005:.
Childaid concert! that is what i have been busy with these past few nights.. working backstage to help run the concert.
The whole experience was a blast! I got to see all the young singaporean stars..incredible musical talents..n I even got a few cute teddy bearcubs as souvenier! What more, it is all for a good cause! The fund raised going to the Straits Time School Pocket money fund and Young Budding artist fund.. hehe..great eh? and I get CIP hours too. =) worth the time la..
3dash1..nathan hartono...syarif....abigail sin...janani sridhar...yuncai..haha..even our sch's very own NIGEL BAY was there.
hmmm..still training tomorrow..gota slp.

.:firestarter blogged on 11:40 PM:.

*sniff* Just replied an email from my beijing friends..
Around three weeks ago, i went on this BSP immersion trip to Beijing, China...yah..in case anyone do not know..I was born in there..in Beijing 301 hospital -.o In this trip, i went back to my old little room where i grew up as a little china boy.. the dusty room.. the low-down squating toilet.. the room is still kept mostly as it was by my dear grandparents.. thankfully the neighbourhood did not change as much since i left almost 7 years ago..
I saw my grandparents, and my uncles and aunts too.. my dear old grandparents who were both professors yet also my playmates and care-givers.. now they are both old, wrinkled and grey..
However, in this trip, apart from all the old memories, what touched me the most was the new friendships that are now engraved in my heart. It was a fantastic sight-seeing+studying tour of Beijing.. but what is most firm in my memory is not that the forbidden city's brick floor has 15 layers of bricks..or that only royal palaces' doors can have nine golden knobs carved onto them...
What I hold most dear are the memories i shared with a few true friends in the space of only 3weeks.. these friends were only made after I reached beijing.. yet their names are now engraved onto my heart.. never to be forgotten.. yet pain fills me when I remember them.. for that we may never see each other again.. no matter how we miss each other..
I received one of their emails a few days ago.. they still sound the same... the laughters we shared.. the games we played together... the jay chou songs that kept playing in our class during lunch breaks...
f*** Im crying now... never cried for a long time... never sobbed for another person.. but I am crying now for i am missing you.. and I will remember you forever. . please remember me too~ I love you all..
"一直没告诉你,你在机场打电话给我,挂了以后,都感动得不知道说什么好了 我知道you hate to say goodbye.Me,too.所以我们永远不说好不好啊,一定可以再见 到你的 嗯,还有一件事要告诉你,刚刚从牙科医院回来,我把牙套摘掉了,竟然会有点不习惯 呢 嘻嘻,是不是很傻啊。"

.:firestarter blogged on 1:15 PM:.

.:Friday, December 02, 2005:.
HCI tracker? yes? k, guess who came back today! k...let me describe her abit. Ya, it is a her! She worn a pink shirt with blue jeans. She had earings and had her hair tied back. She's slim..tan but not dark. who is she? YuShan! 0.o omg, if you had known her before she left and now you see her again, you will not recognize her i promise.
kay, last time she looked boyish.. she's still really nice, chirpy but now she looks feminine as well! She looks like a girl. 0.o lolz..k. nvm. she is a girl.
Looking at her, it really makes me believe that living out of your comfort zone like your home country really makes you grow as a person. Similar to my own experiences, when you move out of your comfort zone and into a new environment it makes you more self-aware and forces you to adapt and in the process learn new skills. In this way, you improve yourself and becomes more confident and mature. You grow.

.:firestarter blogged on 10:00 PM:.

.:Thursday, December 01, 2005:.
WOooohoooo....i wanted to blog as soon as i got back to singapore. Then for some reason i forgot my username..so i couldn't blog till now, when it suddenly hit me that the username and password was the same as my yahoo email account....0.o
anyway....I am back from the beijing trip. It was wonderful while it lasted...19days were toooooo short! =( The food there is so delicious, the places of interest are incredible, the people are so pretty...=x handsome.. kind.. I lurve them! n they lurved me 0.o hehe...i hope so at least.
We visited most of the landmarks in Beijing. Oh ya, you know how big Beijing is? 20 times the size of singapore. 20 TIMES? what d hell.. The landmarks in Beijing alone included the Badaling Great Wall, the Forbidden city, the two royal gardens that were burnt by the british and french, a palace built for buddha, not to mention TiananDoor 0.o.. No matter how many times you have seen these places on tv, it is a whole different experience to walk through them in person! They are all so magnificent and fantastic, they are unreal!
You really start to appreciate chinese history when you start to experience them up close. It is a pity we can not have them in Singapore.. with such a short history, it is indeed a sorry place for historians to live and study.. 0.o
Oya, you know another thing i discovered during this trip. China school kids are actually really punky! sort of...and most of them are really just nice...=) a feeling of bliss to be friends with them. And if you really want to look for the punks, you can still find them! Most of them will be obsessed with basketball. They wear baggy pants, loose shirts. They have long hair and they swear the f word..
China girls are really great! Have i ever told you that? =p not just because they are pretty, they are much more athletic compared to the girls here in singapore. huh, girls if you disagree...the china girls play good basketball, play soccer, and run 11.8s for 100m. Ya, and they still look pretty and not boyish. =) awwww... darn weichiming were right.. haiz. hehe...la la la....

.:firestarter blogged on 1:42 PM:.

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