.:Tuesday, January 31, 2006:.
Faith... =)

.:firestarter blogged on 12:18 AM:.

.:Monday, January 30, 2006:.
Wahhhh....did I EVER tell you that Hebe from S.H.E is damn chio? o.O
haha...she is! she is! she is!
hmm...if you look exactly like Hebe, send me ur photo n you can be my girlfriend! aww....wouldn that be great...

.:firestarter blogged on 1:34 AM:.

.:Friday, January 27, 2006:.
In case anyone read my previous posts and are still wondering what happend to the project, I shall write it down here. =)
Basically, that idea has been put down. Shot! dead! Ended!
I went to my teacher to discuss the idea with her. I explained my concept and thoughts to her and she tried to make sense of it. In the end, she had to involve a more experienced teacher to help me =s. ( i must have a really messed up idea..)
well, the verdict? Still the same, the idea is too far-reaching. It is too broad and requires intensive information management, correlation research, measurement skills and much more in depth research. Just interviewing a few successful individuals(in my proposal, scholars..) will not provide sufficient proof for a conclusion like the one i was seeking. To carry out such a paper, it needed a much larger range of specific information and of course, someone with slightly better analysis skills and experience than me..
In short, he told me, good idea, boy, but ur too noob to materialize it.
I was told, this kind of research is done in big institutions and required huge amounts of research and analysis to make a solid case from it. *shrugs* (teachers have a way of consoling students, don't they...i appreciate it very much. =p )
anyway, hehe... we eventually came to a consensus that if i still wanted to go in the direction of my orignal idea, we had to narrow this topic down ALOT.. Instead of focusing on natural selection, how among the singapore youth the fittest survive...we can focus on the unfit low life in Singapore and how do they integrate back into society..o.O
..fine by me I guess... as long as i still can do this. (this is also my HRP btw..haha..Im still sticking by this for HRP)
Will I still enter it for Projects Day? I don't know..=/ plenty of people responded with interest regarding joining my project..I already have my lovely computer geek for all my website-designing need.. so I guess there is nothing preventing me from joining Projects Day. The question now is what project?
I can enter Cat3 and use the narrowed down version of my original idea. This would mean a Quantative Analysis project, with a set thesis, research questions and many surveys and interviews.
The hypothesis would be that the society is constantly changing.. and some people that do not fit into the society gets marginalized. The research questions for example would be like "what do these marginalized people do to get back into the society?", "what made these people supposedly 'fail' and others to 'succeed'?", and "What are the effects of these people being marginalized?"
However, I can just as well go into an S-L project. Marginalized groups, the poor, the unfortunate, these are people that needs our help. Instead of just interviewing them and collecting information to test our thesis, we could be lending them a helping hand to pull them away from their misery! Besides, isn it the trend that Sec4s always do S-L projects? =p so i came up with another idea..
a simple one actually.. S-L..It's about providing service to the community and learning from it. Well, if others can provide free math tuition to kiddos, I thought we sportsmen can offer to lead free exercise sessions for diseased children or elderly?! Why not huh? Instead of letting their life rot in the hospital wards, we can teach them sports and let them keep fit. We get to have fun, they get to see hot-looking young dudes sweat, the hospital saves the expenses of hiring a physio, thus we all benefit! win-win situation! =) seriously, that would be a workable proposal dn you think?
It's a start nonetheless, Im more than willing to listen to comments and suggestions and change the idea. Bottomline, it's about a team doing a suitable, enjoyable S-L project for the community.
still mauling over which project to doo...leaning towards the S-L side, consulting leeks for feedback...if that's the case, then i'll have to dissolve the original team for Cat3 project and build another..hmm...=/

.:firestarter blogged on 8:00 PM:.

.:Tuesday, January 24, 2006:.
I have a brilliant idea! I though of it myself okay... =p even if it existed before, i came to this idea through my own thoughts! not by reading it off a website or something.
The project idea actually changed alot since my original spark. (refer to earliar posts)
Now this is about the idea that 'only the fittest survive', and whether it still applies to today's society.
How many billions of people are there!? It is overpopulation whereever u go. Before, you had to be brilliant to live through puberty and attract a female to bear your child. Now, you have a right to live and corpulate even if you are mentally retarded and spastic.(not descriminating ok! =p what i meant is, in s'pore society, u can grow old just by relying on the govt. =/ ) So is it still only the fittest that survive? Is this good for the quality of the population?
if only the fittest survive, then how does today's society define 'fit'? what are the traits one must have, to be the fittest in today's society? By comparing to the traits past people had, are these two sets of personal traits similar? If not, what change in the society prompted this?
Get it? I want to do a project about this....if only i can find the group members...mentor...right category...and someone hardworking enough to carry out this project with me. =/

.:firestarter blogged on 9:49 PM:.

Projects Day! Never took it seriously for the past 3 years!
lets recap...sec1.
The team consisted of weihao, chen jinhao, danny chee, n me. =) a team with great prospect! Our project? SARS! a resource learning project on the deadly disease!
leader- jinhao? was it...=/ forgotten
webpage design- weihao? cant spell html..jinhao? no hope..danny? claimed..he can do flash...
(we did have a flash animation in the end..except for that the animation flashed a new picture every microsecond plus it never stopped flashing..)
.the judge? Esther Cheong.
Needless to say, we were eliminated. The comments from MsCheong is too harsh to replicate it here.

Year2.My best projects day year ever!
A chinese language arts project. (no snigger!) Anyway, the team consisted of me, jinhao, jiawei, and whooo arrr....forgotten. =p JinYong Story books fansite! We made it to the finals!

Year3. My first...time admitted into prelims2...
Team- Liye, o-kay enough. I had liye on my team. -.-
hehe..anyway, it was the last day of registration for projects day. It finally occured to me that projects day is a really good way for cheap ace, I looked around and found liye staring at my face.
The project flopped..we were sent to prelims2..though we ended up with a grade B. =/

.:firestarter blogged on 9:28 PM:.

.:Saturday, January 21, 2006:.


Dear *****,

I have an idea to do a project and I am looking for a mentor. My project will investigate the quality of us human today. Proportionally, is the human population today genetically worse than that of our ancestors?

I am sure you know Darwin, and his theories. I stumbled upon a book about his theories in the library and thus began reading it. One of the most interesting to many people and me as well is the theory of natural selection. While I was reading the book, I chanced upon another theory. It suggests that people, who couldn't possibly survive and pass down their genes through reproduction thousands of years ago, could do so today. Simply because there are too many of us, thus there is no competition to reproduce. Does it mean there is no natural selection in our population today? Thus I began to wonder if our population really is gentically worse. I feel this is very interesting and can envolve into many more specific topics.

Will you be my mentor? If not, will you refer me to another mentor that would be interested in taking me?


Verdict(so far)----- too far-reaching, no way of carrying it out. =s haiz....

.:firestarter blogged on 2:32 PM:.

.:Thursday, January 12, 2006:.
What would you call someone if you see him or her talking to someone of the opposite gender? will you call the person a flirt? despo? will you grin and not feel anything about it at all?

Why must some people call another despo just because that guy was seen talking to a gal..
or if it was a gal, and this gal hangs out alot with boys..does she deserve to be frozen out by the other girls?
What do you gain by calling another guy a flirt? or worse despo? Is it a true description of that guy or are you just trying to put him down for selfish reasons?
Does it make yourself seem of a higher class, if you call all those conversing with girls despos? Does it make you feel better?

...if you are truly confident, you won't care about whether who or who is doing what or getting close to which girl.. if you are truly uninterested in girls, you won't spend so much time dressing up yourself, spiking your hair... and if you are as good with girls as you said you were, why do you still squirm and sweat infront of them..

..It only proves your insecurities if you keep on being 'cool' and call every other guy despos..

.:firestarter blogged on 10:22 PM:.

.:Wednesday, January 11, 2006:.
is it over? o.o...i dn noe... who's responsible, i have no idea..
If i had my way, i'd blame it on all of you. All of you that said those hurtful things about us till i had no choice but put her aside. A person's mouth is a truly powerful thing. A pen is mightier than the sword. Whether you all meant it or not, what is done is done..
Or maybe i am the ultimate reason for this all.. I didn love you... and i didn make myself completely clear.. I chose other things before you..
I can just as well blame you... blame you for not pushing on my answer... blame you for acting like you did not care.. blame you for wanting more than I can give..
I don't know who to blame.. I don't really know how it all came to this.. This is not what i wanted.. serious..
We can nv just be close friends can we....
...the fine line between love and hate....

.:firestarter blogged on 10:09 PM:.

.:Tuesday, January 10, 2006:.
Have you watched the Memoirs of a Geisha? haha..i heard its very suggestive. =p ohya..anyway.. if you had read the newspapers, you may come across this part abt geishas. As it turns out, Geisha means "woman of cultural" in japanese! lolz
Imagine all the girls in BSP being called geishas..o.O lolz

.:firestarter blogged on 4:23 PM:.

.:Friday, January 06, 2006:.
first week of school...OVER!
(..not really =s. tmr still got training..darn han for reviving sat training)
whoaa...very relieved to have this week pass by. It has not been easy adapting to school again! After the year-end holiday..studying is so strange! I'll get used to it..as SOON as possible..so I can start mugging! yeh!
First week of my muggerification. =) I made a huge promise to work as hard as ever this year lo. I won't quit till I get a msg of 1.00(or somewhr near)..yay!
Talking about school..the principal raised up the topic of whether to count third language as a msg subject. hor..n this freakish nerd guy came up n gave his speech for third lang as a msg subject. whoa...he was so convinced that if you do not score well, you deserved to be kicked out of MOELC lah. He was like some people just do not concentrate or pay attention in class..blah blah..but the MOELC lack authority to kick them out...blah blah..if they do not want to do well..they should not be in the class..blah blah..n this is wrong as the purpose of third lang is not for this students to play around! (something along that line)
..but i mean what the CRAP is that la? that is selfish and unrealistic! URG!
listening to his speech..it's obvious that he constantly mugs n get A1s, but cant he put himself in other people's shoes? Muse EVERY student be like him and score good grades? if they do not, they deserve to be kicked out? Is that the purpose of education?
A punishment for not doing well in third lang is completely unneccessary! If they puts it in and count it as a msg subject, personally, i would quit! I continued for four years because it is still fun and interesting. Now they count it as an msg subject, I would be detrimental to my msg, if i DID NOT quit!
What do they want?! for MOELC to have a class of elite language students while others who want to experience the language are denied this opportunity to learn? O.o

.:firestarter blogged on 9:59 PM:.

.:Sunday, January 01, 2006:.
woke up to find a big cockroach in my house..o.o so much for a happy new year..
anyway, since everyone's summing up their 2005 n making new year resolutions, i might as well do the same..
................(brain's abit empty)
im still quite blur...o.O.. not as sorted out as i wish i am..
life's messy..n so am i...
i felt i've grown in 2005 though..
improved in big strides in track..in attitude...in mind...
just hope this improvement continues eh..=)
I still feel i have not found myself yet..=/ chim council camp made me realize a lota things..
n also gave me a direction for 2006. =>
still a long way to go....
"the road is long! but my heart will go on!" - Mark Lee

the end of the year was really nice though...
maybe everyone's just nicer at the end of the year.. =) unhappy friendships just went away... new friends are made..
n it just make me look forward to next year that bit more.

the class next year.. 4K! n in Clock Tower! weeee! haha.. only thing to e happy abt 4K that is.. =s
HER! as form teacher? DVTCL no longer the chem teacher?
oh oh oh...but we got PNG! as math teacher n LEEFY! as bio teacher! woohooo!
o.o but then again... HER!! HER!!!! as form teacher?! FORM teacher?!
maybe it will all work out...i hope so...
maybe i'l like her! yes yes...

track! sprints! training is alot tougher under han..maybe the expectations are higher and the bar has definitely been raised by sports sch.. all for the championship! to lose in my sec4 year would be disastrous...o.o

..training is still fun though! haha...yay.

n german class! yes, i'll be taking German O's with MOELC.. my aim for four years...phew... its e last year! the last 100m of a long 400m! looking back, there are countless times i nearly gave up on german. so many tantrums.. a few tears.. i probably will never get so far if not for all the wonderful teachers and classmates.. thank you all!
nxt year's doubtlessly e toughest! o.o im gona have my initial sec1 teacher again. she's so old n she mumbles! i had to change class in sec1..=( no such luck this year.. im stuck in her class...=s hope I can last... haiz..
but i will never quit!! never!


.:firestarter blogged on 5:50 PM:.

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