.:Friday, February 24, 2006:.
ARG...=.= i am grumpy~!!!
why? I hurt my knee~! I collided with a fren while playing basketball...=/ urgh..it completely took me out of the game.. I can't jump~! CANt.. it hurts like hell... im putting it on ICe... dn noe what i can say to explain this to the coaches tmrw.. =( guilty..guilty...

.:firestarter blogged on 9:21 PM:.

.:Sunday, February 19, 2006:.
.u think u noe me.

.:firestarter blogged on 2:10 PM:.

da..la...la. Here to report on what had happend these past few days.
We had our cross country last wednesday, the day after valentines. I got 17th =/ i was not exactly exasperated at the end of the race... Long distance runners did not monopolize the entire top 10 either.. Cj the canoeist came in fourth?! I cant help but think that Han was right when he said i lacked the mental toughness.. o.o
in e end however, my team came in second! hee hee.. together we stand! n of course, that means i got my first medal of 2006. First of many... ;)
But then again.. i was lying on my bed yesterday, my quadriceps as sore as a concentrated lemonade. Analysing the opposition is not always my favourite pasttime..so I am always in a blur about my competitors at nationals. This time however, I took the time to think..just a bit. I've had the luck of a medal each at all my previous competitions. two at nationals. =D this year is tough. =/ naturally it gets easier when u r the most senior in ur age group..but not this time! not only are e top3 from last year still competing this year, those from the sports school are back~! o.O I have no hope of beating the top sports school hurdler..probably 1% chance of beating the second best sports school hurdler.. and i have to beat last year's champ just to get third!? =.= urgh..
that's it..I am not thinking about track anymore..so depressing.
STUDIES! =D always exciting eh? so far....first failure of the year. IHE mock test..=/ i THINK i can get a1 for ihe this year....yah. Especially with IH increased to double academic unit this time round, what can i do BUT get A1 for IH this year. =/
*tries to hynoptise myself*
I am a good IH student...yes...I am a good IH student...goooood....i...h....student...
SL project. Wheel chair bound. Sportmanship. New sense of Purpose. Joy. CIP hours.
...life is a mess...
...life is hard..
...life is unpredictable...
...life is full of crap..
...life is shit...

.:firestarter blogged on 11:39 AM:.

.:Tuesday, February 14, 2006:.
ooo...hey you there..
ever wondered about why is today called Valentine's Day? you know the meaning of valentine or not? o.o
yah..sorry..im so bored today i actually went to check the history of Valentine's day..-.- yess...yesss..i hear you... im pathetic.. im a geek.. im despo. =s
well..back to Valentine's Day. It is actually a festival with christian origin. Valentine? it is the name of a saint that patrons this day. Saint Valentine...
A Priest that lived in third century Rome, Valentine was a priest who validated marriages for young couples. Nothing special yet... Just like any normal priest right? However, some stupid Emperor--- Claudius II --- during that time had this stupid idea that single man made better soldiers. Guess what this stupid emperor did... he outlawed marriages! o.O crazy? ridiculous? fantastic? i dn noe...
Valentine continued to validate marriages for young couples despite the orders of the emperor. When Valentine was caught, he was given the death sentence. =/
o alright...its valentine! no moody stories.
easy for you to say...Valentine SUCKS! n i mean it does! geee...im speaking for all the geeky guys out there who still have not found the special one! (no..not the special one named jose..)
urgh...the day started out fine. It was a school day! n i had what, TWO tests today that i have not mugged fully for? Chemistry and Biology? So all seemed to go o-kay.. sleep during class.. bball in class for recess.. rice for lunch.. headache after test.. the day seemed to pass by fine....
then it changed... i got out of school.. instead of gg home.. im at bishan for third language class.. greaaat... my day with geeky hwachong dudes is ruined... now im with lovey-doveys from all over Singapore! -.- guys giving out rainbow coloured flowers... life-size plush toys.. n they were doing it on the language center campus?! what the.. i was walking to my class when i stumbled into this fidgety guy talking to a girl.. the girl was beaming.. guess what she had.. a plushy penguin almost half her size! o.o ..n she was dragging it back to her classroom like a sack of rice..
I continued walking back to my class room and found two girls in similar sch uniform peeking at them... -.-
girl A: awww...look! look!
girl B: (scrambling over girl A to get a better..still discrete look) huh..waaa...
girl A: so sweeeeeet~~~~
me: (walks past with hand on my forehead.) urgh...

im not against exchanging gifts on valentine's day or anything.. i mean if I can i'd do it too.. but please spare a thought for people like me who dn have a girl to give gifts to? yah.. n girls stop swinging your flowers around! FINE! u got guys to give u flowers~! cant u like stuff it in your bag and keep it discretely? =/

another conversation i overheard...funny y i keep hearing them today...i dn usually eavedrop..
girl C: (swings the flower in her hand about) la la..i got a flower~ =p
girl D: you ar..bu yao lian~! you made 'boy' give you the flower lo.
girl E: ---quiet--
girl C: where got? he willingly give me one!
girl D: after you asked him to buy you a flower!
girl E:---still quiet---
girl C: whaat? he rich mah...
girl D: blackmail him for the flower loh.. whr got people like you de..
girl C: I never! he say he rich mah..then i say you rich ar, then buy me a flower lah.. then he said oK n told me to choose one what...
girl D: you asked him to buy you a flower loh..
(bickers...i didn bother to hear..we were walking on a pathway..we stopped together at a road)
girl C:la la la...cant help it lo.. im too cute.. im too pretty.. im too good.. and he's too rich.. =P (*smirk*)

(note: shes not dat cute..not dat pretty..i'd give her a 9 only if it is out of 100...
=x no lah..average looking k? yah)

hmmm...waiting at the bus stop...love was in the air!
.....like out of ten people... there will be a couple hugging and teasing.. there will be 5 person each holding flower/s in their hands.. now left 3.. 2 will be selling flowers..
the last one? the last one is a geek..

haiz...go search for the song ' where are you'.. it is about looking for that special one..
you know she is out there.. you know that she is for you.. you'll find her..
but you do not know how she looks like..
who she is..
where is she..
where are you babe. =/
.on this valentine.
im spending it alone again.
.i dn need a date? hehe.

.:firestarter blogged on 8:39 PM:.

.:Sunday, February 12, 2006:.
Scott Parker, Parker the SanAntonio Spurs' point guard, Park Ji Sung..
what have they got in common? PARK!
juz like east coast park....changi park...! haha.. the places are beautiful~! ;)

.:firestarter blogged on 11:28 AM:.

.:Thursday, February 09, 2006:.

.:firestarter blogged on 10:20 PM:.

.:Tuesday, February 07, 2006:.
I saw four red cars in a row...that makes it a good day.
that was from "The Curious Incident of the dog at night time' btw... it's about some strange boy. =)
The point is, today's been gooood! And good, in a very good way! you know...like good in the ...good...way. you know when u are bad? like...play, talk cok, fights, girls.. bad? then studies...good? -.- urgh. u noe la..good in a good way! end of story.
So...what makes it a good day? wait...like all good exposition I need a thesis statement that introduces the main ideas in this post. So today..I had the second math test of this term, english composition test, and wrote an chinese essay, before going to german class. nah...there..
The first hurdle to clear was math test! I scored only 64% for the last math test...=( so for an A1, I needed...85% for this test! yup... =) you dn think it's possible? ..wait n see... I think I did quite well..
That's a big plus point..
Happy.....till english Composition test. Another hurdle..=) you know my hurdling..this was crossed with ease..haha.. I felt this was a rather good and clear essay. Not the most logical and convincing, but... it was o-kay? Just glad to get it out I guess. You never know with essays... you don't often score near what you expect yourself to score.
Oh yah..and I did terrifc for my chinese essay as well... => at least I thought I did well. no good talking about... lets wait until the results come back.
German lesson was fun..was fine too... I have decided not to count it in my grades. =) subjekt, verb, wann, dative objekt, warum, wie, akkusative objekt, wo, perfekt.. yay!
dn bother...its german. =)
the day's good.
~ its a beautiful daaaaay ~
u can make it betta. hee.

.:firestarter blogged on 9:17 PM:.

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