.:Friday, March 31, 2006:.
bleh..I am terribly sorry if any part of my last post sounded offensive to SYF participants. I did not mean it that way. The focus of me saying that sentence was more about how CCA achievements are not worthwhile anymore, and less about sports CCA being rated lower than arts groups.
Anyway, away from all the unhappiness. ...only into more unhappiness... -.= National Juniors is coming up. As the name suggests, it is more or less a miniature version of the NATIONALS(the national school track and field competition). I would have been proud to do well in national juniors this time, I do not even think I have a NatsJnr medal to show for last year. Sadly though, this time round, track has moved down the ladder.
"The focus is in July, I do not even care about this competition in April." Han said(in chinese of course) Quite true though, what is the point of doing well now? if it will prove detrimental for my preparation for NATIONALS I have no problem of not competing.
Sports meet is coming at a bad time..it would be embarrasing if i failed to pocket hurdles gold. Yet that is a big probability now ...I have not hurdled for a month... next tuesday is the hurdles competition, I'd be elated when I cross the first hurdle...
Now I just needs some sort of rest. Maybe after sports meet, I will get my rest.. I'll be back though... =]

.:firestarter blogged on 10:07 PM:.

.:Wednesday, March 29, 2006:.
haiz...SPH schools relays has been over for..3days.. Its effects still have not gone away.. how i wish it would.
My juniors always ask me, in one way or another, what is making me stay in track? Everytime they ask me, I find myself giving a different answer.. because I really am not sure what is making me stay. Maybe I was too obedient for the first two years.. Then I was just doing too well in my third year.. Especially after two years of being on the fringes, it was especially satisfying in my third year to shoot up the ranks and improve my timing like it's nobody's business.. Probably nothing else mattered except track..
but then this year is different.. the stress of sec4 year just put everything into a different perspective. The tons of hmwk, projectwork, hrp that just weighs on my fragile mind is threatening to mess everything up. Trying to make sense of my schedule one day, it just hit me that track amongst all things seems to be the least important aspect right now.. Sec4 year is the year you really have to study for. Basically I should not be doing anything other than trying to get the best academic results possible. What of track.. I can fill up two pages of ep3 achievements and all it gives me is 6 meagre LEAPS point..-.- unfair and unjust.. for all the work we athletes put in.. it counts less than one participation in a SYF(6pts)..
Furthermore.. I am suffering a pathetic dip in morale.. -.- a 24s for 200m that lost us a silver.. an average 400m.. a below-par 100m.. coupled with the superb performance of my juniors.. the whole picture just do not seem so rosy anymore. Yicheng had a suggestion.. i overage also, i might as well retire in glory..
.i always felt hardwork can only make up for talent to so far..have i reached that limit already?
han dn think so.. He still thinks I am important to the team.. and I agree I am =p like what i always tell the dispirited ppl that are around me.. every points counts and I won't give up when nationals come around. Whether han still wants me by then is another matter...
We are a match to sports school. This what han has been trying to tell me. On one hand he is stressing my limiting factors such as my attitude(?)..on the other.. he is trying to inspire me to pit against sports school. Normally I accept such challenges with relish and is happy to give it a go.. somehow I cant garner the same enthusiasm I had just a few weeks ago. I have no wish to participate in national juniors right now.. I am not fit to do so anyway.. while the others can sprint across hurdles with minimum preparation.. I cannot.. one week is not enough for me to get ready for nats juniors.. I fear I won't be ready to hurdle even by the time our sports meet arrives.. haiz.. embarrassment looms..
for now.. han n tok is insisting I compete on the opening day of nats juniors. Purpose? to get me accustomed to competing repeatedly.. what for? the fire that was within me has dimmed.. compete repeatedly? will i have the chance to do so again? the once simple choice of whether to join track in JC is now a much difficult decision..
haiz.. i still wish all the best for hci track, my fantastic junior who will be sparkling this track season.. meanwhile.. allow me to retreat back into the shadows... even if just for a lil while..

.:firestarter blogged on 9:04 PM:.

.:Wednesday, March 22, 2006:.
..one of the important things coming up this weekend.. =)
We'll be running our first competition this track season with the start of the SPH schools relays competition this saturday. I would be taking part in all possible relays for me this weekend..which will mean..4x100[my first time!].. 4x200.. n 4x400.. whoa.. counting e heats.. that means I got 5 races to run in the space of two days! EXCITING! =D
yaa.. can u believe it? it is already my final year in high school and I have not won a single 4x100 relays medal..-.- not even one ok? much less one at the nationals.. so it would be an incredible opportunity this weekend to not only bag a medal, but also to beat sports school and get the gold! ..at least that is what our coach is telling us.. that we are one of the best! a bit of pep talk maybe.. considering the standard of my faulty baton-passing abilities.. i doubt my team can beat sports school.. but who knows.. with a lil bit of luck.. ;) we just might~
4x200..hehe..dats another interesting story.. I never bagged any relays medal except my first medal last year for the 4x400.. a bronze medal. A couple of medals this weekend would delight me more than slightly. =)
My c div juniors..(which i presumed one of the worst ever..=s) clocked below 50 seconds for the first time today. Just as well, with the competition coming up this weekend. 49s is not good enough for a top3 finish.. but my junior revealed to me that they only clocked 48s at similar stages last year too and they actually won silver. =/ who knows.. sure do hope they do well.. pray hard.. -.-
btw...interestingly..the 4man relay team had 3jumpers and only 1sprinter...haiz..

.:firestarter blogged on 9:42 PM:.

.:Saturday, March 18, 2006:.
Oops..I suddenly remembered another annoucement I think I should post on mi bloggie. Even if no relevant personnel sees it, at least I have put it in writing. =]
Anyway, it is about the sprinters' CIP this year. So sprintes..listen up! Actually anyone interested can also read on.. im feeling gracious todae. =}
Timeframe: After Year-End exams.. That will probably be october or december? =p i should be overseas in november..
Activity: TrackCamp! but this one..is for the lil kiddos ;)
Purpose: to double fellow sprinters CIP hours.. to market the HwaChong Athletics brand and draw in new prospective athletes to HCI would be a bonus..
Timo, WY, JL n I mooted this idea a few weeks ago.. We were sitting around during relay training.. we bounced onto the topic of track CIP this year and somehow they liked the idea of organizing a camp for kids. Why we were sitting around and chatting during relay training would be another matter..
SO.. we talked to the coaches about it and they permitted it as long as we do not let it affect our training or studies, which meant the idea was fine, but we the more competetive runners cant involve ourselves in e project until after nats n exams.. =/
so here's your chance~ be a project manager! be a leader! have you ever wanted to contribute to the team, but found no avenue? sign up as a KiddoTrackCamp2006 organizing team member and lets build the future of e track team together~!
Those without competetive chance this year highly encouraged to sign up and start e project early. =] It'll be your way of helping the team..in a big way.
.registration ends 21 July 2006.

.:firestarter blogged on 11:05 PM:.

Incredible! I forgot to mention just now that I sustained a sprained neck from pouncing on half-naked jc dudes. ouch.. but you know what? I took a 2hr40min nap after my previous post, n now, it's more or less healed! o.o If you guys have not taken up sleeping as a hobby, I highly recommend you to do so~

.:firestarter blogged on 8:35 PM:.

.just back from track camp..
it was a 3 day 2 night camp.. on pulau ubin...oops.. no..erm on..aH. StJohn Island. The Island of ghost n rusty spoons. -.- The place was a quarantine center oK! opium addicts slept there.. people were killed there.. n there we were, sleeping in "houses" surrounded by barbed wires and 3meter tall fences..
Still very fun though.. A lot of fun games to play.. There was this near 10meter long 3meter wide cage thingy that became our soccer court. Cage matches! super cool.. we used it as a hall.. it was used to imprison people i guess.. but v fun to play soccer in.. no out..non-stop soccer playing~. ..must suggest to school to build such a thing.. they can call it.. multi-purpose hall.. =]
beds.. ample edible food.. plus movies[albeit a tat boring ones].. the camp was one of the most comfortable ones i've been to~! compare that with crisp-peelable-sunburnt skin, muddy, bumpy tents.. half-cooked maggie mee.. from OBS. now u understand?
The camp has achieved its stated objectives. There is now a bonded team, that has been re-energized just before the competitions start pouring in. Most of us took the chance to get to know our fellow track n field teammates. Teammates that will be fighting shoulder to shoulder with us when nationals come for us. The fact that this year's nationals is one of our most challenging yet just makes the fostering of team spirit all the more important. The camp did that from my point of view. Although not the best accomodation and programme but that's all in e past leh eh. What lies ahead is HwaChong tracknfield team, and whether we win gold or silver together this year.
Im going to get back my 'baby' mr.tok! =)

.:firestarter blogged on 3:30 PM:.

.:Wednesday, March 01, 2006:.
Hooray`!! another Personal Best broken for this year~! I have an addiction with breaking my PBs...=p How do i stop..
since the start of the year..I have already broke my PB for 100m four times? not mentioning equalling my PB many times in the process.. Last year it stood at 11.80+s.. then it was 11.70s+.. 11.50+.. 11.45... n now, 11.37s! hehehe.. in case you don't know.. breaking your personal best is one of the better feelings around.. and I still got four months to nationals? so lil time..so many PBs to break. =P
maybe this han's hardwork really pays off...hmmm...
good luck everyone.. I do not know what i'll do if we really did not retain our track and field titles..
haiz.. n juniors plz be appreciative of my warm, friendly approach? =x dn force me to be like yc then u all r in for real lashing..heehee..

.:firestarter blogged on 8:59 PM:.

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