.:Saturday, July 15, 2006:.
Whee.. Today I just had my last training session before the 100m Hurdles Finals on Monday. Maybe the experience tend to be sweetest when it is about to end. It is like, you start to appreciate something, in this case hurdling, only when you know you are going to miss it when it's gone.
We only had the chance of practising hurdling after the relays training this morning. Yw rejected it out of hand, claiming he was too tired. I nearly begged for it. Ti asked me why too, I told him I don't want to leave any regrets. I know I have a few errors that I can correct before the finals, and I want to correct it. I do not want to finish my last 100mh and think how I had not done all I could.
As I went through the hurdle drills, Han walked over and reiterated his belief that after crossing the hurdle, I push down my leading leg too slowly. It is one point I have heard many times before, but I just cannot find the way to correct it. Then he illustrated the whole process to me, and explained to me in detail how and at what stage is either leg pushing off or down, and this time I understood perfectly! A new concept that conflicted with all my previous ideas but one that would help my hurdling nonetheless. I immediately tried it out and both he and I agreed my hurdling was much better. I gave him a dry smile and said what a pity it was that I only understood this now. He told me as long as I do this in the finals, then it is good enough. I hope he's right..

.:firestarter blogged on 2:45 PM:.

.:Wednesday, July 12, 2006:.
..would be the last 400m hurdles run I ever do.. =] maybe..
I heard this from BingYang while he was talking with JinRui in the toilet... it completely echoes my thoughts...

JR: "won't you regret not coming back [to compete]?"
BY: "no, there is an opportunity cost to everything."

I've known this for a while now, but to hear him say it with such conviction makes me believe it even more. There is an opportunity cost to everything, is track worth it?
it has been worth it for 4 years bah.. haha.. n a wonderful four years too.. the ups and the downs.. I have grown in the process too.. from zibei, to zilian, from underestimating myself, to being over-confident, from disillutioned, to apathetic.. I love track, and I love all trackers.
But maybe.. the opportunity cost is too high.. maybe.. I can love something else more..

side-note about lawrence, liqia and yuwei
lawrence: I am really really happy for you, and I told you so too. To come back and beat Ridzwan with such conviction, and breaking the record in the process, it speaks volume of the person you are. I hope you found coming back to B div worth it. But pride comes before fall, so watch out for your 100m hurdles! =p
liQia: LiQia!! I know you won't read this, couse hostel's computer is really lousy.. anyway, are you not proud of yourself!!!? One month of hurdling, and here you are, the 400m hurdles A div champ! I know you have alot of unfinished ambitions too. Still rmbr u telling me, how 'old' you are, and how you can't run like before. SEE la, anyway, very proud of you, you are the man!
YuWei: stupid boy.. go n lose your spike after winning your medal.. haha.. a big attitude problem you have lah, it dn work well with everyone. but then, u wn care anyway, and haha.. you're probably still cursing and using that f* word now.. so i'll save it. now you are doing so well, i know u love track =p only hope you'll stay on when the going gets tough. Dn miss me nxt year ar, haha.

.:firestarter blogged on 11:14 PM:.

..possibly my last nationals.. facing my last finals perhaps.. and my chance of a medal is slimmer than ever before... but with all the people's support.. im at least happy.. =)

.:firestarter blogged on 11:14 AM:.

.:Tuesday, July 11, 2006:.
Another exhausting day at Choa Chu Kang. Today has been the most testing day for me in this nationals. Why? Simply because it is my first indivdual competitive event since my dengue setback, the 400m Hurdles Heats. Last year I was strolling into the finals, qualifying despite carrying a recovering flu. This year, the threat of not making the finals is real, even when I am nearly full fit.
Eventually I lost my sec3 junior by a gaping 5seconds. I still qualified though! Imagine how fast my junior must have ran. 58s actually, and he qualified second for B div despite just being a sec3. I can only console myself in assuming I would improve as fast as him had I not been struck down by dengue.. though I doubt it..
I am actually among the 3 bottom qualifiers who timed 63s for our runs. Although I believe I can improve that time in finals, so do the rest of the finalists. Top3 medal... I can only reminisce what I achieved last year..
Today was also Pday's Semi-Final, hope my other two projects qualify for the finals just like me. =]

.:firestarter blogged on 8:55 PM:.

.:Sunday, July 09, 2006:.
National Schools Track and Field Report 1!!!
Last friday we had our first meaningful sprints competition day! So crowded.. with all the small schools yet to be eliminated =p Everything seemed to turn out as expected for us! Although both Timo and Junlin never qualify for the semi-finals of 100m, yuanchang managed to do so with an injured hamstring! =D The 4x100m relays team also did admirably in qualifying second behind sports school. Not forgetting we were still doing weights the day before friday...
Now we look forward.. to tomorrow! 4x100m Semis! and of course the world cup finals.. Italy versus France.. a team overdosed with drugs versus a team of overaged veterans... exciting..

.:firestarter blogged on 10:13 PM:.

.:Thursday, July 06, 2006:.
.Cristiano Ronaldo.
Appaling... cheating and deceitful.. these are values that I hate the most..
I am not easily upset by things but I do have my principles.. Man are born kind I believe.. and as you watch every kid, they are all so cheerful, carefree, and most importantly HONEST..
The world is really an ugly place.. with people like you.. I am easy-going with most things.. but if you cross the line I will rmbr ur name and really hate your guts. How beautiful the world would be if human only had the good side? if Pandora never opened the box? if I never knew you?
This is what distinguishes between the normal creeps I hate and you.. the point that I have known you for so long.. four years.. and you never showed that despicable trait of yours in front of me.. maybe that is why it is a trait I hate so much..
backstabbing.. talking behind people's backs.. why would anyone do this? if not for a complete lack of moral integrity. You really think no one would tell me the things you said? And why do you still keep up that fake friendly joking face in front of me? You make me sick... cant you stop doing that?
Why do you do these things? I cannot figure it out.. and soon I might just forget about this.. since you act so normal in front of me.. that's why i am scared.. I don't want to know people like you.. I am not like you.. I rather avoid you.. and I don't want you to know about me.. because I know you will talk bad about me somewhere.. sometime... somehow..
I hate you..

.:firestarter blogged on 8:37 PM:.

.:Monday, July 03, 2006:.
WTF.. i looked into the mirror today and I was balding lah! o.o siao.. looks like i gona lose my hair before tomrw like that! whoa.. n i tot robben and cambiasso were bad.. i probably turn in bald before my teenage years are over... pray to god.. walao.. i'd stop my studies and be a punk if i get my hair back la..
anyways, after the little panic i had, I checked on the internet about hairloss.. almost booked an appointment with BEIJING 101 lah.. then saw the price then dn wan...
then i slowly noticed that some websites mentioned physical stress as a factor for hair loss.. where it mentioned about major illnesses and surgery. It basically said these things cause TEMPORARY hair loss.. yay~ im saved! but how come i got dengue in april near may and only got hair loss now??
so i read further n found out.. "In many cases there is a three month delay between the actual event and the onset of hair loss. Furthermore, there may be another three month delay prior to the return of noticeable hair regrowth." WAHH... then really not for the next three month i will continue losing hair... cut botak liao la... sian...

.:firestarter blogged on 10:57 PM:.

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