.:Thursday, August 31, 2006:.
Cursed by a Gekko...
bad moood...
darn that gekko...
its whipy tail..
its bloodied body...
my horrendous mood swing...
urgh.. n i screwed my prelims and ..
darn that gekko.

.:firestarter blogged on 7:49 PM:.

.:Tuesday, August 29, 2006:.
Got a telling off today.. I thiiiink i deserve it too. o.o k i deserve it.
People always make thoughtless remarks which they feel is funny but it is actually not? Especially about people they do not know. They say it all the time, to friends, buddies, just to draw a laugh or two. Little do they know that words will go around and the butt of your jokes will be hurt. People will know and just as thoughtless as you made your remark, they will form an impression of you, a lasting one that will take you ages to change. It probably it isn't their fault; first impression counts. It probably is not fair on you too; u know, it was.. a joke? Unfortunately, what is a joke to some, is hurtful to others and we should all watch our behviour and words. Words hurt and we don't want to hurt anyone, especially people we care about, do we? =] I ammmm sorry!

.:firestarter blogged on 12:28 AM:.

.:Saturday, August 26, 2006:.
haha.. eh.. anyone went for the event that was the epitome of BSP journey (quote emb messag) ? oh.. i see one hand.. and.. no more. =p
hahaha.. i was watching tv and suddenly it jolted into my mind that gewei told me about some bsp event while we were in the classroom ponning flag-raising.. something like saturday night? well.. not my fault? I was only told once! which since we are students.. means nto being told at all!? =/ afterall we're used to nagging... nagging and more nagging..
so that's that.. someone who went fill me in on it? =]
haha.. btw did I tell you i feel really good after my one week charisma enhancement course+soccer playing?
scoring so many goals together with learning how to change your life is really cool.. yupz. =>

.:firestarter blogged on 10:06 PM:.

.:Thursday, August 24, 2006:.
I believe it; and I will be it.

.:firestarter blogged on 9:12 PM:.

.:Monday, August 21, 2006:.
Do you find me charming? =D well, I guess if you find me attractive that counts too.. Anyway I am involved in a special sabbatical this week! Much like the last sabbatical I was involved in(Peer Helping Skills), this sabbatical is fun, enjoyable and practical! Can you guess it already? It is Enhancing Charisma! Not saying I am void of charisma, I think no one could resist.. if I just add a lil more. =p
Anyway.. so we started the sabbatical today, like all sabbaticals the first day is usually the orientation day. The trainer gets to know us, we get to know the trainer, we give each other stick, and everyone has a laugh in the end. Today was no different. Apart from perhaps, the trainer was really funny and interesting, or charismatic as one would describe him. Afterall the least you would expect of a trainer teaching a Enhancing Charisma course, is to be charismatic himself! He sure is, and he said he had a really charismatic daughter too... the center of attraction everywhere... aaannnnd he was going to teach us the ART OF FLIRTING on the fourth day! whoaa... what a practical sabbatical.. cant wait. =p
Haii, it was so interesting for a moment I forgot about not earning any CP for sabbaticals the second consecutive time!
...the moment passed...
darn! >.< no cp again.. wasted..

.:firestarter blogged on 10:03 PM:.

.:Friday, August 18, 2006:.
Captains!! Well finally all the captains for next year are settled. We have... TAN JUN LIN as the overall captain of 06-07! and ARAN ATSUO SHARMUGARATNUM.. or is it SHARMUGRATNAM =x.. dn noe la.. A LAN as v-Capt! and YUWEI as the most important captain of all times---- *drumroll* SPRINTS CAPT.. yep yep. =] he should be proud of himself to have such a prestigious job.
hehe.. ya n clap clap for the other two throwers in the exco too. *clap clap*
Well, hope they all grow into their roles soon, cuz none of them, especially junlin and yuwei look anything like captains. =/ On that note, I didn look captain material at all when I got my job as sprints capt. haha.. I was simply the only one left after yikai rejected the job, jiaxin, yaolei quit, and yuanchang was confirmed as overall captain. haiix to think I grew so much since then.. yup yup.
[ahh...mE =p ]
note to JUNLIN: JunLin! omg, u dn noe how lucky you are to get this post. Alot of ppl respect this position ok? captain of 100+ trackers? That is a lot of responsibility so I hope you treasure your position and embrace your responsisibilities. In all, just enjoy being a captain. =]
note to Alan..aLan..: haha.. blackie. erhum. =p jiayou. nice boy.
note to YuWei: YUWEI!! biang, u noe i rooted for you to be captain ja? wl, but u still look so joker during the interview, haha, no hope la. well, sprints captain prob suit you more? you get to joke around while still commanding substantial respect! better than long d or jumps capt rite.. =X haha.. kk. so be good now, and you must now take care of all sprinters k! dn go ard kajiaoing everyone =.- well except john maybe. =p

.:firestarter blogged on 11:05 PM:.

.:Saturday, August 12, 2006:.
When I got the medal, I nearly wanted to eat it lah.. whoaa... it was so beautiful.. and it was for canoeing! o.o It made me think of joining canoeing in JC for a moment..... Nahhh.. the moment past =>

.:firestarter blogged on 5:15 PM:.

.:Friday, August 11, 2006:.

INSPIRATIONAL YAH.. cuz it is so bad.. it inspires ppl to do betta. o.o


.:firestarter blogged on 10:07 PM:.

IT IS MY BIRTHDAY! so now you all know_ ah ah ah.. all the guilty ones.. =D
kaykay.. very long nvr blog le. not since the end of nationals? yep. whoa.. life has certainly been different without training.. => hmmnn... should I go back next year? i wonder.... will I? bu dong leh..someone try convince me. =]
Coincidentally, today is also the projects' day finals! I presented my last project to the judges today, so after today I am almost free of committments outside of academic work! A timely birthday gift I must say.. ahhh.. now I have all the time in the world to... MUG. yay.. like what our teachers are saying everyday.. EXaMs are just AROUND THE CORNER! aiming for a A1 in humanities! hush..
and of course getting that elusive 1.50 o.o haiii..
whoopy.. tmrw gg our with bird to race in a dualthlon~ yepyep.
o ya.. and who is mE o.O

.:firestarter blogged on 7:23 PM:.

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