.:Wednesday, November 29, 2006:.
Had ANOTHER gathering today- German Class Outing, and it was GREAT. Well it started really awful and awkward and everything, but it ended well.
the outing started at SEOUL GARDEN of all places. It simply reaffirmed my belief that seoul garden sucks! You cant get high there.. the food you have to cook it yourself.. and it costs $20!!? An awful dinner.. though there was a few fun points..
worst thing was some of us had to go after e dinner. so the day was cut short..
and then vic's granny fell and had to go into hospital.. -.- bummer. so she had to go as well.
tried to cheer her up haha. but managed to choke eunice.. who was drinking a big gulp. =/ simply by saying dengue..
she denied that it was bcuz of me, but who cares.
oh yah, did I mention the group split up? like one group went for one movie and the other group went for another movie. our group went for step up.
which was a really cool movie! a pity there was oni two seats left. -.-
we eventually caught the movie at shaw. and I was already sleepy like hell.
anyway, I digress. The main thing was that the movie was really cool, with all the funky beats and dance moves. Funny, romantic, entertaining.
So the day ended well.
And I found a really good buddy in Adriel. He's a nice bloke and really a good sport. The kind I like.
seeing him on friday. haha. im turning gay.. or maybe bi. haha.

.:firestarter blogged on 12:21 AM:.

.:Saturday, November 25, 2006:.
can you take it all away? the distance between us.
how can you say no. when my heart knows you are the last.
does she know what she's missing? i can hardly contemplate what I missed.
she likes me. or am I living a big fat lie.
that's my story. now its over, and I am glad
I never had a girl like you. yet u hang me out to dry
hate me today. for I am a fool for all I said.
now its over. and i am sad.
damn i hate you too.
lmao.. stupid compilation of different lyrics.

.:firestarter blogged on 4:45 AM:.

I just finished a one week sabbatical at NUS today. it was a wonderful one week. =]
haha. not least cuz I had this 'limp banana' with me. We basically crapped and joked about everything the whole week, AND still managing to do a really interesting experiment, deliver a great presentation, and meet wonderful people in the process. ;)
guess what? Im definitely going all out for STP now. If i was slightly in doubt a while ago, I know now I had to get it. Before I was slightly perturbed that I may put myself into nerdy hell if I got into STP. But now I'd dive into it if just for mi 'neck'. =p
Have I told anyone of 'limp banana''s crash course on picking up girls this week? lol.. k la. for yingzhi's sake I shall sheesh for now.
haiii.. initially I had doubts about this sabbatical too, and it turned out well. sometimes it is those that you have no doubt will delight you that surprises you and turns out a bore. Human perception is a very unreliable thing.
now after this well-deserved break, I am going back to work. =/ training.. track.. about time to call it a day? Anyway, im not working yet, not until I finish my STP application. Boss called me today =s said she wanted me to work overnight today. =p dn even hv over-time pay.. fat hope.

.:firestarter blogged on 12:38 AM:.

.:Wednesday, November 15, 2006:.
Hello... Hello..
I have been slowly getting sick of the keyboard recently.. the numberpad more exact.. [no.. i haven picked up dota or any other game for that matter.. ] i got a job~ =] as a typist.. or some may call it, Data Entry officer( or a clerk.. if u prefer.. -.-)
what do I do u ask? I type la.. (see above =x) I enter data from paper.. to convert them into 'a multitude of electronic forms'.
On top of that I also carry the title of... TELEMARKETER. hehe.. those people who sit behind desks and call people through the phone all day. yep that's me.
And guess what?? I got my first pay increase today! =o lolz.
it's a really neat job lo. (dn tell me waiters get more pay.. cuz being a waiter is freaking tiring.. ) I get to work in an air-conditioned office, sit in big comfy chairs, with my desk, and I work whenever I want. =D plus it's like five mins from where I stay. sweeeeeet.
and the boss is really friendly too ;)

.:firestarter blogged on 9:18 PM:.

.:Wednesday, November 08, 2006:.
I just finished my German O'levels today! and.... I am suffering from insomnia. =z again..
i dnnn noe whyyy?! but it just happens. I cant fall asleep for NO REASON. o.O I bathed, I pee-ed, I brushed my teeth, I stayed up till midnight, I listened to music, I was NT thinking of anyone, I supposedly have nothing to be stressed about.
and still I cannot go to sleep.
i woke up and made a list of e things I'll do before I go to bed again.
2.watch some youtube videos
3.write email to zhangcan
4.read some news

if after everything I still cannot fall asleep I'll play computer games till I go nuts..
.wish me luck.

.:firestarter blogged on 12:51 AM:.

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