.:Saturday, March 31, 2007:.
tired... =.= urgh... this is after I 'napped' for five hours in the afternoon...
there goes my Saturday.. Sunday's church.. afterwhich.. I have seven hours before JTS..
I have not made a decision on what to do tomorrow.. There are rough plans and inclinations.. but.. I am flexible. =p
o fine.. I am undecided.. as usual.
[council group mate just asked me to meet tmrw.. wahaa..]
exhaustion.. man I need a break. I can't imagine how bad this is going to get. It is nonsensical amount of commitments for me at this time. Still I believe it is possible to juggle them all. The key remains in personally being organized, efficient, and determined. Having great support is a crucial complementing factor.
i am dead serious man..
-.- or just dead tired..
let's list down the loads of work waiting for me..
1.KI class seminar on the Scientific Method.
2.Put up Table Cloth Gimmicks..
3.Catch up on my schoolwork.. chem bonding tutorial.. understand the new physics chapter.. sort out my mathematics foundations.. as well as my KI essay writing skills and argumentative skills. =s
4. Chemistry Olympiad Test?
5. NRP project..two days a week..
6.SRP RMM on Wed..
8.JTS tomorrow..
9.CSM... starting nxt week. =s 400m, hurdles..relays..
10.Council elections on Tues..
so depressing.. I do not feel like listing any more tasks..
but why hold back? =s If one's ability qualifies one for certain undertakings, why not take them up? Especially when I have taken up none before, it seems reasonable that I should do more to build my credentials and affirm my ability. It is equally sensible to drop current undertakings that are not benefiting me for I have finite energy and time each day.
o Lord.. please do prune my undertakings down to size so I will not forsake things dear to me..

.:firestarter blogged on 10:37 PM:.

.:Thursday, March 29, 2007:.
SRP! rofl...
I am seriously ambivalent about the shortlisted SRP list right now... like SERIOUSLY.. for the first time in my life my feelings towards it are so clearly extreme and divided.
When I first read the list I was only looking for your name, (fine I scanned once for mine, but only once!) I almost couldn't believe it when I did not spot your name. Even another few more careful scrutinizing couldn't reveal your name. =s Then I was really sad...
So I scrolled down the message and was just about to click the Back button to leave when all of a sudden.... IN HUG CAP PRINTS... I saw my name. o.o holy shit... lol. Somemore it was as if the two of us were even more pro. Already awarded NRP and shortlisted for SRP. haha. YAY. only bad point was that it stated explicitly that we cannot drop NRP. =s I considered that option.. but well.. ya. nvm now.
Then I came back down to Earth when I realized once again that although now I got in.. someone more deserving and suitable didn't. =(
council campaigning..
im blabber blubber bloobering...

.:firestarter blogged on 5:52 AM:.

I have not been posting as regularly right? Want to know why?
I am.. BUSY la..
with what?
Don't you know?
busy with.. COUNCIL LA!
what else? =s
wu liao..
It just occured to me that since I am running for council AND I have a blog. I might as well use my blog to reach out a bit. It may not be very effective... so whoever is reading this.. get your Athena friends to do so/vote too!
We have been so busy recently I almost want to break down! Thankfully things have been turning right for me. =p I got a decent 67% for Physics lecture test and did unexpectedly well for my Math test that I have not studied for.
No time.
After Tuesday We'll know.

.:firestarter blogged on 12:03 AM:.

.:Sunday, March 11, 2007:.
ahhh... blogging again.. =] haha. I have not had the time nor energy to do so for a while now.
Finally! I have had some decent quantity(albeit lacking a bit of quality) of sleep. I fell dead on my bed yesterday after confirming the postponement of an overnight team meeting.. and slept again after going for church this morning. [did I mention I recently accepted Christ? =x haha.. shhhh..]
erhem.. watched the Pursuit of Happyness yesterday! haha. supposedly an awe-inspiring film about one self-made millionaire. It was definitely a change from the recent movies I have watched... the bloody.. the kiddy.. to this real-ly o.O kinda film. wahaahaa.. anyway it was very touching! A very real picture of US's downtrodden masses and one man's determined effort to escape it all. That undying flame that drives him forward is what I want. =] [expectedly church seems to make me mellow.. o.o *fidgets*]
Plans for the holidays... I intend to fully catch up in my studies. That will mean revisiting ALL my Math and Physics chapters. =s On top of that Council video MUST be shot! haha. I am so looking forward to it! Track trainings have to be done too. I will start wearing my competition spikes soon! =D that exciting celarrrr... haha. SPH and Caltex could be the few times it will ever be used again. =/ haha.. catch me wearing it while you still can. =p

.:firestarter blogged on 8:53 PM:.

.:Tuesday, March 06, 2007:.
o.o one more dilemma.
council campaign group. I have been getting a lot of hints today... kay.. maybe just a few. Lcube reminded me MULTIPLE times that.. careful who I am running with. Somebody changed out of her team and formed up a new one. TF bumped into me and coincidentally he needed just one more guy. AND.. e girl that I approached.. happened to be in his team. o.O What to do...
I sort of gave my consent to this other group already.. e 4k group. As comfortable as that group is, it is unfortunately not as potent as my possible new group. Not that my new group is any more charismatic, interesting, but at least it is more balanced. With two girls and one guy currently. An aphelion, two girls from bsp. I know one guy and a girl.. So I probably wouldn't have a problem running with them. I can foresee friction within the team... =s but it could be a good team.. I have not had the opportunity to know them yet.
But i don't have the time le.. I need to give a quick response to them to secure that opportunity and I would have to tell my other team my decision too just to be fair. Neither team will die without me, whichever team I end up to would not kill my chances too.
Making such a decision so early in my probable council career just seem so eerie.. o.o
..better start getting used to making these decisions... =s

.:firestarter blogged on 5:32 PM:.

.:Sunday, March 04, 2007:.
=D lmao. I am like 80% Physics now.. lawl.. and this morning I was still 40% Physics, 60% Biology. Not the hallmark of a good decision maker. =s BUT this is a hard decision! I wouldn't mind if they offered me triple science. =s Except then I'd appear to be a dull mugger with no appreciation of the arts. ... FYI I am NOT a dull mugger with no appreciation of the arts~! o.O argh.
Anyway haha.. Physics will give me a myriad of options when I graduate. Be it local medicine, bioengineering, biomedical sciences, or tissue construction, physics will give me a huge advantage over biology in this aspects. Even in courses that require Biolog a bridging module is readily available in NUS. I do not mind taking it, I do not mind getting my first degree in NUS too. A government local-overseas scholarship is pretty appealing too. =p After I complete my first degree in biomedical sciences/bioengineering/life sciences, I will get my medicine qualifications. A really long period of mugging.. but worthwhile and satisfying nonetheless.
All I need now is some mathematics training. Yep.. I have never been inspired by mathematics.. Yep I got lowest in class for mathematics diagnostic test just a month ago.. That does not mean I cannot do well in Mathematics though. >p I am feeling rebellious again.. rawr.
The deciding factor afterall is still council. I would not want to miss it. Fac comm is simply not the same. Why be a subsidiary of the fac head and lose all the credit? I want that council spot and I feel I can get it. Why not? I need a good team member. Athena council. Whoever is reading this. You know you are going to vote for me when elections come. >]

.:firestarter blogged on 8:34 PM:.


.:firestarter blogged on 10:44 AM:.

GOD will you give me a hint! o.o ..........*looks around*............argh.
I am totally exasperated by this question! BIOLOGY OR PHYSICS! O.O waaaaaaaaaaaaa.... *goes crazy*
I simply cannot make a decision. Either way it seems a big risk anyways. I tried to understand it in a thousand different ways but none of them is giving me any new insights. *counts* This is already the .. wait.
If i got into THE class, I'll not run for council but I'll try for fac comm. I'll take Biology and achieve academic excellence. =D and do well for track and whatever other commitment I allow myself.
If I fail in my application to THE class, I'll take Physics and run for council?? o.O and ditch track and other committments. I'll spend hours a day on my mathematics and physics while balancing council. =s
My major worry for Physics is that it will be too mathematically-based for me. I could fail! Mathematics have never been my forte and probably never will be. Whatever rosy picture engineering seems to paint will be irrelevent if I tried and failed in Physics. My brain has not adapted to numbers and simply looking at the many formulas H2 Physics will cover already gives me a headache. Mathematics is a vital part of high level Physics.. If I took Physics, whatever I achieve in Physics will be like a patient with a weak heart. Should my heart/Mathematics deteriotes, my whole body/Physics will disintegrate with it. Is that not too big a risk to take?
Or is my Mathematics really as bad as I think it is..
Unfortunately Biology has its pitfalls too. The constant mugging..(look at their piles of notes) the irrelevent syllabus...(It's more on life sciences than anything else.) At the end of the day, Bio is not really more appealing that Physics if not for its dependability and the assurance that I'll get an A for it.
..which is rather important... o.o
So would I take Biology even if I fail to get into STP? Joining S60's counterpart in another fac is not the best option by any means. I'll probably lose my chance at Council, need to adapt to new friends, and completely twist my sense of loyalty to serve my new faculty. What's the point of alleviating my academic burdens, and then have nothing worthwhile to replace it with? the argument that Biology provides academic assurance still applies though.. a tempting argument but one that is not so convincing once I start contemplating life in my new fac. =s
Stay in Athena!! [let's put Physics aside first.] I have great friends in Athena, a supportive class, and a nice bunch of seniors. I have no worries about running for council or fac comm and I'll remain CT rep! =D lol. Should I remain in Athena, I'll have a clear plan for running for council. That's very important, afterall council will give me the correct exposure that could push me up to the next level. I'll defintely stay in ATHENA.. if not for Physics.. =S have you taken a look at the Physics syllabus yet? It is really very scary if you are bad at mathematics/formulas. There are so many formulas and hence so much calculation to be done it is not even funny! (I laugh at a lot of things..but not at physics. o.o )
Bio if application approved, Phy if application fails. Meanwhile let's start council preparations. =D

.:firestarter blogged on 9:47 AM:.

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