.:Friday, January 15, 2010:.
yep second post of e day.
went to the library today.. many days have past since I last went to the library and I managed the resolve to go today because... to be honest.. i didn't have much else to do.
not exactly..
actually i did some reading and analyzing of my future.. which is like my fav past time when excessive time present itself.. and came up with some topics i have to learn... and consequently some books from the library that I must borrow..
one of the topic i came across was on quantum computing and how that can exponentially increase our computing power beyond our present imagination and how that will solve presently unsolvable problems. this computational power present us with the opportunity to cut down bigger problems down to our size... to understand.. to gain insight into the unknown.
one man once said we live today in the information overload age... an age when info is abundant while knowledge and understanding remain scarce... the key to our progress and survival lie in our ability to create the right knowledge before our time is up.. a perpetual problem-solving journey that is life..
I wondered into three second hand bookstores and glanced through their offerings.. anyone who's tried looking for anything in any second hand bookstores will know how confusing it can get... books everywhere... stacked into every inch of space. no electronic catalogue.. just your eyes and your perceptive senses against all the books...
eventually i went to the library and found the books I was looking for... those were really awesome books and I cant believe I found them so easily.. just sitting there as if no one else was the least interested in them.. why didn't anyone else seen their value? will they care? it was then I realized that the masses indeed will remain ignorant.. most can be educated but they will not be curious.. they can be disciplined but will not be inspiring.. the few that are curious, inspiring, courageous, and understanding are destined to be in rare company. few will share their passion.. and theirs is a life of bouts of doubt and anguish in between rare peaks of high achievement and satisfaction.

.:firestarter blogged on 12:01 AM:.

.:Thursday, January 14, 2010:.
i'm back..
i need to write and express myself.
right now I feel as if no one around me will listen and understand what I want to say... much less understand who I am... that's why I need to blog, to write, to communicate to an imaginary audience that cares and understands.
not people who are too busy.. or only pretends to care...
i don't really need anyone to see this.. that's one of the reason I blogged here.. instead of maybe at livejournal.
I don't care. it's just me. I'm not normal. That you'll see.

I've been in the army... actually in OCS, alpha... we wake at 5 and sleep at 10.. that's an ordinary day... a good ordinary day...
some days we go on missions... we wake earlier and sleep later... we don battle gear and load our weapons... we get verbal abuse and physical exhaustion.. though we despair we never quit... we languish but never surrender.. we hang on until the day is done.. we stay as alpha warriors, officers-to-be..
then a day will come...when it comes to an end... and this day did come.. and it was time to leave.. not for a destination I had foreseen.. brunei, kranji, logistics, awaits... I was lost and confused.. acted and regretted... worldly thoughts in my head..
in brunei soldiers i led.. as one we sweat and bled.. it was our time to be man.. it was our glory.. our fun.. our time without regret.
back in singapore.. i came home alone.. faced up to reality.. and contemplated my life's goal.. my life has no brevity.. it does have soul.. i can fall and get back up... but there will be no let up.. my wishful thoughts are just that.. I'm not normal and that is that.. men play a fool while I march on.. faith in the future allows life to go on..

.:firestarter blogged on 10:02 PM:.

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